Partners, introduce yourselves
Allgemeine News

Dear partners,


It’s time to hear the next answers from one of our partners. This time, Pierre Eyer from ipro Consulting will introduce himself.


1. You already have some experience and have been an Intrexx Partner for some time. If you draw up an interim balance, what would you say characterizes the partnership with United Planet?

Uncomplicated, not too pedantic, solution-oriented... finding what is best for the customer. It is not primarily about who concludes the deal, but Intrexx is positioned with a strong focus on growth through the Intrexx partner network.


2. Some of our customers are using the QM Suite and the integration features via the plugin solution. In your opinion, what makes Intrexx so good for developing QM solutions in general?

From our perspective, Intrexx is especially attractive as you can implement customer-specific modifications even on the fly. We’ve been able to score highly particularly in the manufacturing industry because of the documentation function of the QM Suite and the Intrexx Portal Manager’s delivered tools to integrate (external) data. This puts us in a position to complete three use cases or “tenders” at the same time for the same customer:

Use case 1: A customer is looking for QM software for their documentation needs as well as for controlling measures. Documents, processes, measures and audits are covered by the QM Suite out-of-the-box.

Use case 2: The customer would like to digitalize a solution (e.g. complaints), which was previously based on Excel, and integrate data stored in the ERP system. In this case, we develop custom Intrexx solutions with external data integration.

Use case 3: In addition, the customer is looking for a “classic intranet”. By introducing the QM Suite, the customer obviously receives a complete Intrexx portal. We can then score big with “QM & More”. We can say from our years of experience that we have a very high sales conclusion rate insofar as the prospect is looking to implement at least two of the use cases described above. Otherwise, introducing Intrexx is unfortunately too expensive in comparison to our QM competitors.


3. My last question is about 19.03, which I just want to say is a great success. Which challenges did you face when upgrading older portals (18.03), which features/functions did you miss, or which do you miss already?

The first time we installed the QM Suite on an existing customer’s system, we were presented with one or two challenges as well as a long wait for the applications to be imported into the portal. This is further intensified by the fact that it has become more complicated to import or export applications if they reference or are referenced by other applications. Our Development team thinks it’s a shame that popups are no longer supported and that working with CSS elements at the application level has changed so significantly.


I would like to pose my questions to my ex-colleague, Tim Kinder, who now works for the Intrexx Partner bitExpert:

  1. In your opinion, which applications are missing from the Application Store?
  2. Which future applications are you planning in the Intrexx context?
  3. Imagine you enter a building with 12 floors. Would you get in an elevator whose software was created using 19.03 or would you prefer to take the stairs? Explain why.


Thank you to Pierre Eyer for his interesting answers. We are already looking forward to getting to know Tim Kinder more soon.


Best regards,

Moritz Neufeld
